QUESTION: Is your hair real?
QUESTION: Do you consider yourself to be an Elvis Impersonator?
ANSWER: No. I'm just an old man who dyes his hair and wears funny clothes. I sing the music because I grew up with it and I love it. That's about all there is to it.
QUESTION: What performers have had the greatest influence on you musically?
ANSWER: Elvis Presley, without a doubt has had the greatest influence. But there have been many others such as Dean Martin, Perry Como, Eddie Arnold, Fats Domino, Jimmie Rodgers, Nat King Cole, Bob Dylan, Bing Crosby, The Everly Brothers... The list goes on and on.
QUESTION: You have been called a "womanizer". Are you offended by that description?
ANSWER: No, I'm not. I've been called much worse!
I've always loved beautiful women. And over the years, I've "loved" quite a few. But I've always tended to be a "one woman man". Loyalty and trust have always been big things to me.
QUESTION: Is it true that a fan once committed suicide because you wouldn't respond to her advances?
ANSWER: As far as I know, the answer to that
question is "No". There have been several cases of extreme jealousy and all that goes along with it, though. That seems to "come with the territory" as they say. I thought when I got past 30 that would stop. Bit it didn't.
I even went so far as to write a little booklet titled, "It's a Sho' and Nothing Mo' ". But most of the girls didn't read it, or at least, they didn't pay any attention to it.
QUESTION: Is it true that you don't play in bars? If not, why not? How about churches?
ANSWER: Playing bars is not my thing and neither is playing the church circuit.
QUESTION: How do you rate yourself as an "Elvis Impersonator'?
ANSWER: I don't. To my mind, being an impersonator is something totally separate and apart from being a singer. It can be an all consuming thing in which you go to great extremes.... including plastic surgery.
If you're a true impersonator, you don't have time to be yourself; you're too busy trying to be somebody else! While I admire Elvis and his work, I have never wanted to "be Elvis". I guess I sound a lot like him, and there can be no doubt that the similarities that exist have opened doors for me.
But when all is said and done, for better or for worse.... I'm Bobby Moore. Like the song says, "I gotta' be me."
QUESTION: Your first original hit recording was "Amber Rose". We understand that you fell in love with a backup singer in your group of the same name and thus the name of the song.
ANSWER: Well, we did have a beautiful girl in the group for a time named Amber Rose. But I didn't fall in love with her. Fact is, I fell in love with her "name"! I think it's one of the loveliest names ever.